Thursday, April 18, 2013

58 horrific details from the Kermit Gosnell trial that you do not want to read (WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC DETAILS)

Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, 72, is now facing trial and is charged with eight counts of murder. The trial is now in its fifth week and could last another month.

Gosnell is accused of first-degree murder in the deaths of seven newborns and third-degree murder for the death of one of his patients.

Investigators of his Philadelphia abortion clinic described it as a “house of horrors.”


“My grasp of the English language doesn’t really allow me to fully describe how horrific this clinic was — rotting bodies, fetal remains, the smell of urine throughout, blood-stained,” Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said during the trial, according to CNN.

Below are 58 graphic details that are included in the grand jury report and other media stories about the case as it continues:
  1. When authorities searched Gosnell’s office, they found bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses scattered throughout the building. - CNN

  2. “It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place,” testified one unlicensed medical school graduate who worked at the clinic. – NBC Philadelphia 

  3. Gosnell may have severed the spines of hundreds of born alive babies with scissors – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  4. One 28-week-old baby boy – featured in the trial – was found frozen in a gallon water bottle. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  5. One employee testified that she witnessed Gosnell snip the necks of more than 30 babies, and that he sometimes gave her just the feet of a fetus to place in formaldehyde. – NBC Philadelphia
  7. Gosnell kept up to 30 specimen jars containing fetal feet. - Philadelphia Inquirer

  8. Gosnell told some of his employees the feet were for DNA testing and other employees they were for medical research. - Philadelphia Inquirer

  9. Gosnell severed the spine of one breathing, moving, born-alive baby and put the body in a plastic shoebox for disposal. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  10. “It jumped, the arm,” an employee testified after she performed a “snip” of the baby’s neck. – Delaware News Journal

  11. One former employee testified that a baby still alive after being aborted screamed one night, and that the baby’s eyes and mouth were not yet completely formed but it was still alive. - USA Today

  12. The baby was lying on a glass tray on a shelf. - Delaware News Journal

  13. “I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien,” one employee testified. - Delaware News Journal

  14. The baby was so big that Gosnell joked that “this baby is going to walk me home,” according to an employee at the clinic. – Philadelphia Inquirer

  15. One of the babies was reportedly moving and breathing for 20 minutes before an employee cut the spinal cord – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  16. One former employee testified that she was so upset at the sight of the large baby’s bloody, mangled body that she took a photo with her cellphone. – Philadelphia Inquirer
  1. The abortions of “really big ones” [illegal late-term abortions] were scheduled for Sunday, when no employees were around. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. Gosnell only allowed his wife, Pearl, to assist him with the “really big ones” – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. One employee testified that on Monday mornings he would find bloody instruments in the sink even though they had all been cleaned before the facility closed on Saturday. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. Most of the time, eight or 10 women were kept in a single room, moaning and groaning in pain. Gosnell’s instructions were to drug them up as much as possible to “quiet them.” – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. One woman patient was left lying in pain after Gosnell tore her cervix and colon after he botched an abortion. Afterwards, at a local hospital, doctors had to remove a foot of the woman’s intestines. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. Gosnell sent a woman patient home with parts of a baby still inside of her. She almost died after contracting a serious infection. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. After delivering babies, patients would have to just sit and wait – sometimes on a toilet for hours – until Gosnell arrived. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. “I would take the woman to the bathroom, they would sit on the toilet and basically the baby would fall out and it would be in the toilet and I would be rubbing her back and trying to calm her down for two, three, four hours until Dr. Gosnell comes,” said one employee – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. 
    NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  3. One worker testified that a woman had delivered a large baby into the toilet before Gosnell arrived at work for the night. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  4. One employee said that the baby was moving and looked like it was swimming. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. That’s when an employee reached into the toilet, got the baby out and cut its neck. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. A handyman who cleaned the clinic and bagged its infectious material testified that sometimes patients “miscarried or whatever it was” into the toilet and clogged it. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  3. “I told the doc I would remove the toilet and lay it on its side, but somebody else would have to clean that out,” the handyman said. – Philadelphia Inquirer

  4. Gosnell did not pay his bills in a timely manner, and the disposal provider would not pick up fetal remains on time – sometimes for months. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. Sometimes, according to an employee, fetal remains were left out overnight. “You knew about it the next day when you opened the door … Because you could smell it as soon as you opened the door.” – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. 
    NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. One woman patient, Karnamaya Mongar, a 41-year-old immigrant, died after an abortion in Gosnell’s clinic. - NBC Philadelphia

  3. According to testimony, Gosnell administered four doses of anesthesia to Mongar, which caused her skin to turn gray and slowed her breathing. - NBC Philadelphia

  4. Gosnell continued to perform the abortion, and once the procedure was over, he started CPR on Mongar and told Williams to call 911. - NBC Philadelphia
  1. Gosnell could not revive Mongar because his defibrillator was broken. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. Clinic staff hooked up machinery and rearranged Mongar’s body to make it look like they had been in the midst of a routine, safe abortion procedure. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  3. It took at least 20 minutes for paramedics to get out of the building because the back door was padlocked and no one had the key. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  4. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” Gosnell said to Mongar’s brother after the procedure. – Philadelphia Inquirer

  5. Gosnell taught staff to use ultrasound machines to make the fetus look smaller than it was, according to the grand jury report – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  6. Women sat in bloodstained lounge chairs in the “recovery room” while unlicensed, unsupervised workers gave them large doses of various drugs. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC.
    NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  7. Patients were left naked from the waist down; the clinic provided no robes, only blankets that were washed once a week.  - Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  8. One woman delivered a stillborn baby girl weighing two pounds, one ounce at a local hospital after being treated and sent home at Gosnell’s clinic. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. 
    NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  9. Gosnell would often have his staff physically push babies out of their mothers by pressing on the mothers’ abdomens. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  10. One employee said that Gosnell took pictures of women and fetuses with a digital camera and with his phone. Gosnell told the employee that he was taking the photographs for “his teaching.” – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. The employee said Gosnell told him that he was photographing women from Liberia and other African countries who had undergone clitorodectomies, the surgical removal of the clitoris. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. Gosnell would often show the photographs to an employee and exclaim about the skill of the surgeons who had sewn the women’s labia together, leaving only a small opening to allow menstrual flow. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. Gosnell began an abortion on a 29-week pregnant woman and then refused to take dilators out when the woman changed her mind. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. The woman went to a hospital where it was determined at the hospital that she was 29 weeks pregnant. A few days later, she delivered a premature baby girl.  - Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. The baby was treated at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and is today a healthy kindergartener. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. Gosnell became a key figure in “the super-coil fiasco” – where he tested a device for simpler, cheaper and less painful abortions in the 1970s. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. The super coil device was basically plastic razors that were formed into a ball coated into a gel, so that they would remain closed. These would be inserted into the woman’s uterus. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. After several hours of body temperature, it would then, the gel would melt and the device would spring open, supposedly cutting up the fetus, and the fetus would be expelled. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  1. Fifteen women in their second trimester of pregnancy boarded a bus in Chicago and headed for Philadelphia, where Gosnell had agreed to give them super-coil abortions at his clinic. - Philadelphia Inquirer
  1. Serious complications suffered by nine of the 15 women, including one who needed a hysterectomy. The complications included a punctured uterus, hemorrhaging, infections and retained fetal remains. - Philadelphia Inquirer

  2. Gosnell’s super-coil abortions were filmed and later shown on a New York City educational-TV program - Philadelphia Inquirer
  1. Gosnell experimented with a procedure to inject a drug called digoxin into the fetus’s heart while it was in the womb. This was supposed to cause fetal demise in utero. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  2. Sometimes Gosnell would “crack” the neck after the head was out – when only the baby’s torso was still inside the mother – and then suction the brain matter out. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

  3. During testimony at his trial, Gosnell “calmly watched and occasionally took notes with a vague hint of a smile on his face from time to time.” – Delaware News Journal
  1. From an interview with an employee who took a photo of a born alive baby that was “snipped”:
    Q. Why did you all take a photograph of this baby?
    A. Because it was big and it was wrong and we knew it. We knew something was wrong.
    - Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania

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